Goals of Emergency Management

The goals of emergency management are to: 

  • Provide effective life safety measures, reduce property loss, and protect the environment. 
  • Provide for the rapid resumption of impacted businesses and community services. 
  • Provide accurate documentation and records required for cost recovery efforts. 

The Office of Emergency Management is led by the Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, Kristi Hofstetter Batiste. Kristi has a Master of Science degree in Emergency Services and a Master of Arts degree in Multi-Cultural Education. Her diverse background in private industry, non-profit management, education, and in the public sector brings a fresh perspective to hazards and vulnerabilities. Although her background is varied, one thing remains consistent: her passion of working with at-risk, vulnerable, and traumatized residents. If we prepare for disaster, support our most vulnerable and our businesses, we can build a resilient Fullerton.

The Office of Emergency Management is tasked with helping our community and City organizations anticipate hazards, vulnerabilities, and take measures to better plan and prepare for natural and man-made disasters.  The Office of Emergency Management ensures City employees, residents, and businesses are as prepared as possible for disasters by:

    • Overseeing the City’s Hazard Mitigation Plan
    • Maintaining, updating, and facilitating the City’s Emergency Operations Center, Emergency Operations Plan, & Continuity of Operations
    • Providing City employees and citizens training and education in emergency preparedness
    • Training City employees in disaster response, management, and recovery
    • Planning for cost, emotional, and physical recovery from disasters within the City
    • Collaborating with stakeholders in and out of the City’s jurisdiction to foster relationships and build redundancy in North Orange County

On a day-to-day basis, the Office of Emergency Management is responsible for the oversight and management of disaster and preparedness grants, the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services (RACES) volunteer programs, community outreach and engagement, training, and ensuring the City is meeting local, state, and federal requirements.