Demography Reports

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Demographics - Fullerton at a Glance - Our general information page about Fullerton listing basic population statistics, voter registration statistics, Fullerton history and more.

Fullerton Data and Infographics

Infographic - Demographic Summary (2019) - Key facts on Fullerton population, housing, income, education

Infographic - Employment Overview (2019) - Key facts on Fullerton employment, commuting, income, business, education

Infographic - Executive Summary (2019) - Key facts on Fullerton age, population, income, households, spending trends

Infographic - Transportation to Work (2019) - Key facts on Fullerton workers' commuting habits and travel times

Table - Fullerton: Selected Economic Characteristics - employment, commuting, occupation, industry, income, health insurance (U.S. Census, ACS 5-year 2013-2017)

Table - Fullerton: Selected Housing Characteristics - table of 17 wide-ranging variables about housing type and structure, housing amenities, housing costs and values and vehicle availability (U.S. Census, ACS 5-year 2013-2017)

Table - Fullerton: Demographic and Housing Characteristics - sex, race, age, Hispanic origin, voting age population (U.S. Census, ACS 5-year 2013-2017)

Table - Fullerton: Selected Social Characteristics - household type, relationship of household members, marital status, fertility, school enrollment, level of education, veteran status, disability status, citizenship, ancestry, language, computer availability (U.S. Census, ACS 5-year 2013-2017)

Other Sources for Reports and Data

United States Census Bureau - This federal agency gathers data about population, households, education and employment. Data is available for small areas (blocks within cities) all the way up to national (U.S.). Use this link to get information about Fullerton through the American Fact Finder. Check out this page to learn more about the other types of data available at the U.S. Census Bureau.

California Department of Finance - This state agency gathers population and economic data for California at the city, county and state levels. See their Demographic Reports for population estimates and Economic and Revenue Reports for employment and California economy information.

Cal State Fullerton Center for Demographic Research - This research center provides demographic information for Orange County cities. Visit their main website or see their Products page for a list of useful publications.

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